Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Oh, that's "tacky."

I'm going to dabble into my last post just a tiny bit. I talked about "nibbling at the wrong table" and reasons we may do that. Reasons that range from "others do it," to "what would people think if I didn't," to "I admire them & I want to adopt some of their habits."  This post is not necessarily about eating tid bits from things the Lord has convicted us about, it's an in general look at why we're who we are. Have you ever really thought about why you're the way you are? I began to examine our lifestyle, our habits, our choices and our personalities....

What is truly "us" and what is things we've "adopted" because of reasons.

One of my favorite quotes from random people is when they say, "I'm looking for myself...I just need to find myself & figure out who I am." 

This used to seriously crack me up. I suppose I have a little sarcasm in me---"Well, have you forgotten your name? Your date of birth? Who's your ma and pa, son?" 

But maybe there's something to this. What is tacked on to us simply because of people in the past who made an impression? What is tacked on from insecurities? What is tacked on because of past mistakes? What is tacked on because otherwise people would "talk"? In a broader view, what therefore can be shaken off?

What is tacked on solely because of Jesus Christ and our faith?

When you can say we do or do not do something because of your faith, isn't this what makes you who you really are? What we are in Christ is all that is eternal & goes with us. 

I once heard a dear sister in Christ say, "I've been watching *insert show here* every week now for about four weeks to keep up with *so and so* because that's really all we have to talk about and she begged me to, but honestly I hate the show and disagree with almost everything in it. I can't wait for it to end." 

Is she living authentically? It goes against everything she believes, but she is trudging through it to keep something tacked on that gains her points with someone else. 

It made me think! What in the world is "tacked" on to me just because! 

And what is really authentic identity that Christ has given me? 

Really friends, this can be very liberating. Take them tacks off! Maybe it's not a bad idea to sit and evaluate who you are & why

There's so many things that the Lord lays on people's hearts to do differently but we suppress those nudges simply because of reasons.

"I joined this group because I feel I have to in order to keep up." 

"I put my kids in this or that because everyone Else's kids are doing activities."

"I really wish I had this or that because I think people would respect me more."

If we are doing things that are bringing more stress into our life and taking us away from our family then we really should stop and evaluate our reasons for doing them...maybe God has been nudging you a different path all along and you are finally going to get still & see what better dainties He has to offer. 

The bible says to lay on your bed at night and commune with your own heart---it is very biblical to lay your habits, do and dont's, lifestyles, burdens, intentions, before yourself and simply ask why? 

You consider your tacks today and I'll be over here considering mine & maybe we can come out a little more free, a little more authentic. Doesn't that just sound refreshing. 

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